My Resolution

Look out world-2011 is going to make a changed woman out of me! The devil WILL be defeated in my mind, my finances, my family and MY WEIGHT!!! This blog is going to be my public journal on my way to becoming a "Hot Mama"! So join me if you like or just read my thoughts while i'm depriving myself of a few of my favorite things, like dr. pepper and anything sweet & fattening. Comments and most of all, PRAYERS are always welcome.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Week 5

didnt realize i hadnt blogged in so long. weight loss is going well and ive started hitting gym atleast 4 times week. as of now, ive lost 5.8 lbs and i weigh in again tmrw. the hardest part for me is the weekends. i usually cook all week and then we eat out on the weekends. very hard to make good choices at certain places. i have not had a week with a gain so im satisfied for now. ive averaged almost 2 lbs lost a week!!!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Amy!!! You are doing wonderful! I agree, eating out is difficult.
