My Resolution

Look out world-2011 is going to make a changed woman out of me! The devil WILL be defeated in my mind, my finances, my family and MY WEIGHT!!! This blog is going to be my public journal on my way to becoming a "Hot Mama"! So join me if you like or just read my thoughts while i'm depriving myself of a few of my favorite things, like dr. pepper and anything sweet & fattening. Comments and most of all, PRAYERS are always welcome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 14

 the road trip went well and bryan and i made pretty good choices. we did eat mexican food on saturday but we watched it the rest of the meals. we even refrained from the yummy ice cream at amy's ice cream while the kids gobbled theres up. i weigh in tonight and after talking to my dr on monday im feeling alittle more confident. i just need to keep reminding myself how long it took me to put on the weight. i didnt do it over night and wont lose that way either. made an awesome ww baked ziti last night and if you wld like the recipe let me know. gna try the ww burgers tnite and baked fries. thanks for all the encouragement from each of you it really helps. cant wait to let you know how much lighter i am tnite after my weigh in!!!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Road Trip

Gna try very hard to make the best choices this wknd. This will be first wknd on the road while on ww! Gna really have to watch my points and pack my healthy snacks. Very excited cuz it's a 3 day wknd. Enjoy everyone :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My first weigh in

I'm trying not to be sad but I am very disappointed. I only lost 1 lb! I know I know- atleast I ddnt gain but I wanted to cry when she told me. I've worked so hard the last week. I'm not giving up but really praying I see better results next week! :(

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 6

Nervous yet anxious for my first weigh in tomorrow night. So far so good. If I did all my points right, tonight is the first night I've gone over. Went over by 3 points. I ddnt even use my 49 extra bonus points this week so I sure hope it shows on the scale. Biggest problem is I don't and hvnt drank the water I'm suppose to and hvnt started walking yet cuz it's too cold. Those are my two biggest obstacles, but I'm gna work on it. Will let u know as soon as I get home tomorrow night. Cross ur fingers! :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 4

well,getting on here daily has not been as easy i i guess i will make my post when i can. so far on day 4 and things are going very well. still trying to figure out the points and making sure i get all the ones i need.i never thought i wld NOT be using all of them i always thought i wldnt get enough. ive still got lots of questions and i got to the ww center too late yesterday. i was ticked.
ive been following the diet really well, except last night. we ate dinner at laplaya.i counted out my 12 tortilla chips, i had no tortillas and a few bites of fried avocado, a small amout if rice and beans. even though this was fattening it was WAY less then i wld have normally eaten. so all in all i think ive done pretty well for the first couple of days.and by the way, u can buy some great tasting ww ice cream bars at HEB! my biggest challenge is gna be next wknd when we are out of town. more to come :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 1

let me start by saying that my first impression walking into the meeting was strange. i stood in the parking lot waiting for my mom like a nervous kid fixin to have my favorite toy ripped out of my hands.that was really silly. then when we walked in we were herded like animals into seperate lines to jump on scale and hand over our money.can i say, "not very welcoming"!!!! then about 50 of us "OVERWEIGHT" people were crammed into a room no bigger than living room. now can i say, "uncomfortable"! I cld barely move my arms and we were all sweating while the leader (no bigger than 75lbs) begin to talk and share the new Points Plus Plan!
even though that was odd and uncomfortable the evening ended with success. i was very excited to hear that i got 6 more points than my that i wasnt signing my life away to all my favorite goodies. other than my dr.pepper (and NO i dnt like the diet one) i can still have limited amounts of my favorite sweets.
so far this morning has gone pretty well. as of 12pm ive had breakfast, snack & lunch and have used 13 points. I still have 22 more points for the day. I feel alittle anxious for something sweet other than fruit but once i get used to balancing the points i will get those in.
my food intake so far for today is:
2 slices whole wheat toast w butter
1 banana
1/2 cup blackberries & 1/2 cup blueberries
2 cups mixed greens w tomatoe & cucumber
2 oz. grilled chicken
3 0z. shredded cheddar cheese
2 tblsp. green goddess salad dressing
and my "7 pretzels"
not bad so far and feeling pretty full.
the next thing is to walk or not to walk after
thanks for reading, more to come :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tonights the night!

OK! so tonight at 6pm is my first weight watchers meeting, and life as ive known it will completely change. I keep reminding myself that "I'm ready to do this". haha. I'm mentally siking myself up here. Ive been reading over the weight watchers book and the website. WOW!!! Did you know that a serving size of pretzels is 7??? What? Really? Im usually just getting warmed up on about number 7.
anyways, so this blog is for me so that i can make it public and be accountable. no hurt feelings if your not interested in reading about what ive eaten for the day or how great a mood im in when im done eating my 7 pretzels. but its my way of making 2011 a success with my
more to come tomorrow after my first meeting and official weigh in. :(
oh ya, by the way, my mom and my dear friend Ronnie have decided to embark this adventure with me-any more takers???
love ya :)