My Resolution

Look out world-2011 is going to make a changed woman out of me! The devil WILL be defeated in my mind, my finances, my family and MY WEIGHT!!! This blog is going to be my public journal on my way to becoming a "Hot Mama"! So join me if you like or just read my thoughts while i'm depriving myself of a few of my favorite things, like dr. pepper and anything sweet & fattening. Comments and most of all, PRAYERS are always welcome.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 14

 the road trip went well and bryan and i made pretty good choices. we did eat mexican food on saturday but we watched it the rest of the meals. we even refrained from the yummy ice cream at amy's ice cream while the kids gobbled theres up. i weigh in tonight and after talking to my dr on monday im feeling alittle more confident. i just need to keep reminding myself how long it took me to put on the weight. i didnt do it over night and wont lose that way either. made an awesome ww baked ziti last night and if you wld like the recipe let me know. gna try the ww burgers tnite and baked fries. thanks for all the encouragement from each of you it really helps. cant wait to let you know how much lighter i am tnite after my weigh in!!!


  1. Great job on staying in control during a weekend trip! I'm proud of you ;)

  2. p.s. you need to update that ticker with your weightloss ;)
